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The Handkerchief Tree was looking magnificent today, with the hankies blowing in the breeze against a clear blue sky, with the Glade framed with the frothy white of cow…
It is an exciting time of year at the Gardens – full of promise for the season ahead! Spring green is making way for summer colour, as we remove…
February is a time for tree-planting: so we have been planting flowering cherries and an acer near the rill that we think was part of Peto’s Japanese gardens. A…
After strong winds we expected the worst, but the sun came out and we only had small branches and twigs to tidy up in the Glade. So other jobs…
The Saturday volunteers have been making progress in clearing the last bit of the walled garden and today Sam and Tom helped too…. digging out brambles and bracken and…
Raking up leaves is easy and enjoyable when frosts have brought them all down with a rush and many volunteers are on hand to share the picking up and…