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Our Team

We are a small, committed and friendly group of Trustees.

We are currently seeking additional Trustees to add to our team. Here are the  advert for the role of Trustee and the role  description.

Sue Gilbert – Chair of Garden Management Committee
Sue Gilbert is a resident of Little Easton and is a retired landscape gardener. She served for 10 years on Little Easton Parish Council as Councillor and Chairman and helped to develop community links with the Gardens of Easton Lodge. Sue is particularly interested in the Garden design features of Harold Peto and is one of the tour guides.

Jill Goldsmith (IPFA) – Governance Group chair, catering and publicity
Jill first visited the gardens in 1997 with her oldest child not yet walking; and subsequently used to take her young children to enjoy the snowdrops and have a cup of tea and a piece of cake. As a keen allotment holder, Jill volunteered at Easton Lodge with a particular passion to help with the restoration of the walled garden. She takes a keen interest in the history of the gardens and acts as a tour guide.

Catherine Dean – Trustee
Catherine Dean has visited the Gardens since they were open to the public, and has admired the transformation achieved by Diana and Brian Creasey. As a former teacher, Catherine is particularly keen to be involved with educational projects involving local schools and would also like to encourage greater participation in the Gardens by the local community. For several years Catherine was an Uttlesford District Councillor believing that one of her roles was to preserve the heritage of the area for its 21st century residents.

Lizzy Gardiner – Trustee
Lizzy was a fairly regular visitor to the garden when her children were small, being drawn back by the charm of the place. On returning a couple of years ago, she was impressed and delighted with the huge improvements that had been made. Lizzy is a lawyer working full time in the Civil Service, but she enjoys helping out on Open Days (and, as a keen amateur gardener, looks forward to the occasional day hands-on in the garden).

Peter Keeys – Treasurer

Peter is a retired Technology Programme Director, with experience from the Finance and Telecoms industries. He has fond memories of visiting the gardens with his family back in the 1990s. Peter is not a gardener but has strong environmental views. He hopes that he can utilise his experience in challenging how things might be done differently. Peter acts as a tour guide.

Robin Whalley, BA (Cantab), MSc (London) – Conservation & Historic Advisor
Robin Whalley is a well-known authority on Victorian and Edwardian gardens and has made the work of Harold Peto a key area of research. His book The Great Edwardian Gardens of Harold Peto was published in 2007 and numerous articles by him on Peto have appeared over the years. He was awarded a fellowship from Harvard University to study at Dumbarton Oaks, Washington DC in 1994 and was a consultant at the National Botanic Gardens of Wales, and is a part-time lecturer at Cardiff and Bristol Universities. He regularly organises and leads garden tours and lectures widely on his subject. He is the co-author of Knot Garden and Parterres and contributes to many magazines.