Spick and span
Tidying the Gardens ready for Apple and Bees day this Sunday, 15 September, meant lots of hard work, cutting back more nettles, weeding around new
Tidying the Gardens ready for Apple and Bees day this Sunday, 15 September, meant lots of hard work, cutting back more nettles, weeding around new
What a lovely family day it was at the Gardens yesterday. Perfect for going round the Mulberry tree and scrumping a few delicious mulberries! Gorgeous
On a really hot day our heroic volunteers transformed the paths in the walled kitchen garden, weeding them and then switching to weeding the borders
The lilies and crocosmia look hot in all weathers! Peto’s Italian garden is also lovely with splashes of colour from the roses, dahlias and penstemon
What a joy it is to see the changing colours of the new wildflower spiral. It has been a busy week in the walled kitchen
Bang on time for this Sunday’s Open Day the new wildflower spiral in the walled kitchen garden is looking stunning and providing nectar for the
We have two Robinia pseudoacacia – a Frisia, with white flowers at the top of the Glade and this pretty pink one in the Laburnum
There are foxgloves everywhere: in the Italian Garden, walled kitchen garden and elsewhere. Iris are competing hard for loveliest flower out at the moment. And
Our volunteers were going the extra mile this week to prep the Gardens for this Sunday’s Open Day, in continuous rain! But the forecast is