Blossom and bluebells

What a lovely week it has been and our Open Thursday visitors enjoyed it as much as we volunteers did. Why not join us next week?

The sun shone and the blossom and bluebells were stunning. The tulips were iridescent in the Italian Garden and there are the first roses there too and the solomon seal on its way. The wild areas of the Gardens are changing daily:  primroses and cowslips all over the place, camassia are nearly opening, cow parsley is growing fast and the wild orchid leaves are there. This week’s blossom includes the cherries and quince; and the handkerchief tree flowers are coming. In the kitchen garden the asparagus is coming up and the vegetable seeds are beginning to germinate. So the Gardens are looking good and there is lots to look forward to, including our next Open Day on 21 May.

We got work done too – lots of weeding, straightening of a key grass border, more tidying and planting in the kitchen garden. It was lovely!