Getting closer to taming the far end!

The boys dug the far edge and planted lavender to finish off the last grass area in the walled garden, so next year when the snowdrops come through there they will be framed by a lovely border! Next stop, more hard work to remove bracken and shrubby plants and put in additional raised beds for vegetables in the end section.

Meanwhile, remembrance crocus were planted by the memorial trees and fritillaries in the bed by the gate. More bulbs are on order. We hope that next April we will have a good show in advance of spring herbaceous flowers coming out in the Italian garden. A range of donated plants were added to the borders in the Italian garden for improved colour and range of plants later in the season; and to the stumpery in the glade too.

We also started autumn tidying up – more deadheading and clearing of plants dying back; and cutting back tree growth. Never a dull moment!