
We now have responsibility for the woodland next to the walled garden – it is very overgrown and uneven underfoot and we expect to find there trash from the…
Open Day visitors on Sunday will love the walled garden and the Italian garden – they are looking stunning! The restoration of the stone steps is nearly finished too….
This “scotch thistle” (onopordum acanthium) was probably not planted deliberately but is quite a sight! They are said to top 2.5 metres if well fed….but this one has managed…
Visitors on Sunday will be able to see Colchester Institute students’ Japanese themed pieces in the Glade, including these monks, who are nestled in next to the rill. The…
The pond is nearly full again and looked fabulous today in bright sunshine. Terry, Jane and Valerie returned the waterlilies to their planters, while Christine worked on putting back…
There was torrential rain and high winds both before and after this lovely photo of potential new volunteers being shown round the Gardens! When the sun was shining the…