Beautiful borders

Just in time for the Open Day on Sunday 27 June, the borders in the walled kitchen garden and the Italian garden are becoming more colourful by the day. The veg beds are also filling up and today we had our first pickings of baby carrots and beetroot, chard, spinach and mangetouts. There are plenty more to come!

Volunteers today spread out across the Gardens to get on top of seasonal weeds – the recent rains have helped the Galium aparine and Urtica dioica (sticky willy and nettles!) as well as the flowers, soft fruit and veg, so in various places we were on a war footing to tidy the gardens. But of course in the outer reaches there are still plenty left for the insects to enjoy – nettles are the favourite food for Comma, Peacock, Red Admiral and Small Tortoiseshell caterpillars!