It was 28 degrees at times on Thursday and it felt it!
We had volunteers back working in the Gardens, with a full set of Covid 19 risk mitigation measures in place. So we spread out across the Gardens to start getting back on top of more of the basic maintenance work.
The Gardens were looking fantastic. More waterlilies out in the pond, the helianthemums providing masses of colour and the lupins too. The late frosts have set back, but not done for, our giant pumpkins and the other vegetables and soft fruit are thriving.
Excitingly, we have started to search for the historic path through the woodland area to the side of the walled kitchen garden.
And last, but not least, our wildlife is continuing to thrive. Bees were out and about – did they know it was World Bee Day this week? and damsel flies too. We have had reports of fox cubs playing on the grass. But unfortunately the squirrels have also had a good week – happily eating and shredding some of our artichokes, seemingly undeterred by the chilli solution we sprayed on them. Ideas for other deterrents welcome!