Rainbow border is in the making

The dahlias that brought such colour to the walled kitchen garden have over-wintered fine and Sam and Richard are adding more, to extend the border – so it should be spectacular this year!

After the light rains we have had, the main jobs of the day were grass cutting, weeding and giving haircuts to box and rosemary hedges. The good thing about such maintenance work is that by the end of the day you could really see what had been achieved – the Italian garden was looking particularly lovely with the lupins in full colour; the Glade, stumpery and Japanese garden were serene in their green hues with splashes of colour from the ruby hawthorn and rhododendron; and the fruit, veg and herbs in the kitchen garden are filling out nicely.

David and John made progress on carpentry jobs too – so the Archive building is now fully accessible and the Japanese style bridge in the rill is nearly finished.