The waterlilies are back in the pond!

The pond is nearly full again and looked fabulous today in bright sunshine. Terry, Jane and Valerie returned the waterlilies to their planters, while Christine worked on putting back the oxygenator plants to the pond.  Sue will be sourcing a range of marginal plants too to complete the refresh of the pond.

Tree surgeons have cut back or cut down a couple of dangerous trees. So there was work to be done shifting logs to be used in the Japanese garden, while the team continued the planting of new trees and bamboos there. The rhododendrons have their first flower … and there should be many more to come, to wow  visitors later in the month!

The new grass is springing into life at the end of the kitchen garden, around the raised vegetable beds, and the succession of the fruit blossom is continuing.  The pink peach blossom and the bullaces were the stars today.