Japanese area is taking shape

Jacqueline and crew planted bamboo today, having planted shrubs and trees last week, and showed visitors from the U3A a detailed drawing of how the Japanese area will look when it matures. Peto’s inspiration is alive and well – but our moss roof on the Archive building has not passed muster as a Japanese moss garden and has been cleaned off!

It was a glorious spring day and we had record volunteer numbers so we made really rapid progress on a whole range of other jobs – final preparation of the lily pond before water is returned to it; planting and weeding in the Italian garden and the yew walk; more garlicky allium removal;  prep of the flower border in the walled kitchen garden; wall building for the fig pit; and weeding of the veg beds.

The wildlife in the Garden was enjoying the sunshine too – lizards were spotted in the Italian garden and the walled kitchen garden and everywhere there were bees, butterflies, ladybirds and the birds were singing away.